ALARM PANELIM WEB APP You can manage all your alarm systems via.

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For more information about Prosec Alarm Panels and My Alarm Panel applications, please contact.
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Features That Make Your Alarm Panel Superior

  • You can do features such as Installing / Dissolving through the mobile application.
  • Your mobile app is enough to bypass the zones.
  • You can manage the desired electrical appliance via mobile / web by connecting it.
  • You can also have electrical appliances turn on and off automatically in a timed manner.
  • Even if you are not at home, your alarm panel can water your garden periodically.
  • Thanks to your Alarm Panel, you can open and close the blinds via the mobile application.

For this and many more of our features, please Contact Us

Seamlessly Manage Your Panels and Users

You can manage all users and panels created through you in Alarm Panel Web and Mobile applications. Users account It is enough for them to register with the dealer code specially prepared for you. All users who then register with your dealer code You can list and do many things yourself, from viewing the added panels to supporting the user who forgot his password.

Manage Your Users

You can easily manage your users who have registered for Alarm Panelim mobile and web application with the dealer code created specifically for you. You can cancel it so that your users cannot access the system temporarily, or so that a canceled user can access the system again. you can activate. Apart from this, you can delete the user completely, as well as provide support in cases such as phone change or forget password.

Manage User Panels

You can easily manage the panels of your users who are registered with the dealer code created specifically for you in the Alarm Panelim mobile and web application. You can disable the previously added alarm panels that you no longer want to see, or reactivate a deactivated alarm panel. you can. You can also easily move a panel added to one user to another user.